PhD in Co-supervision
Within the MDPS doctoral college and the PhD-Track program (supported by the French-German University UFA/DFH), the University of Passau and INSA Lyon regularly offers PhD positions in French and German co-supervision (a “cotutelle de thèse”). IRIXYS PhD students carry out one part of their research within the home institution and the other part within the partner institution. Such PhDs are taking place under the co-supervision of two Professors (one in each institution). At the end, students undertake a final presentation in front of an international jury and obtain a Doctor Title from both institutions. Since 2008, 17 students have undertaken a French-German cotutelle and 4 are currently undertaking a French-German cotutelle (2022).
The PhD candidate must enrol is both institutions. One institution will be the “home university” and the other the “partner university”.
Admission to the doctoral programme at the University of Passau is conditioned by the obtention of a Master’s degree in computer science with an overall average of more than 2.5 (German grade system).
Doctoral theses in computer science at INSA Lyon are carried out under the conditions set by the InfoMaths Doctoral School.
The PhD candidate must show a high interest in research as well as intercultural curiosity.
The standard duration of the PhD programme is 6-8 semesters. The duration of the PhD is divided between the French laboratory and the German chair (at least 2 semesters in each institution). The course of the thesis and the structure of the cotutelle (distribution of research stays between the home and partner institutions) are defined on a case-by-case basis, according to the choices expressed by the PhD student and the progress of his/her thesis. In order to validate the PhD-Track programme, cotutelle students must validate 12 ECTS of the Programme d’études du doctorat MDPS proposed by the MDPS College.
- Builds a wider and better network of researchers, scientists and investors
- Broadens the field of knowledge and help in multiple institutions
- Allows to benefit from European friendship, and offers possibilities to build European projects
- Allows to discover new languages and cultures