This year’s DFH Assembly!

Last week, this year’s DFH Assembly took place at the Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas. An exciting and varied programme was offered during the Programme Officers’ Meeting and the Assembly of Member Universities on 6th and 7th of June 2024!

The event began on Thursday with a welcoming speech by Eva Martha Eckkrammer, President of the Franco-German University (DFH). Important items on the programme included reports from the Executive Board and the student representatives as well as the election of representatives from the member universities. A strategy debate on the future of the European Higher Education Area took place in the afternoon, followed by working meetings of the specialist groups and an evening event.

Friday continued with thematic working groups on topics such as programme management, research funding and internationalisation. After lunch, the results of the working groups were presented and new projects and important information on target and performance agreements discussed. The event ended with a plenary session and a tour of the Latin Quarter.

Next year’s annual meeting will take place at the University of Passau! The president of the university of passau, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bartosch, was unfortunately unable to attend the event himself, but in this video he sends his greetings and an invitation to come to passau next year.

We are already looking forward to the event and are excited to see what is in store for us!

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