The last IRIXYS young scientists’ workshop was certainly atypical, as it welcomed in its frame the final presentation of three IRIXYS PhD students in French-German co-supervision („co-tutelle“, supported by UFA-DFH). With Johannes Jurgovsky, Yvan Lucas and Armin Gerl getting their double (French and German) Doctor titles, IRIXYS celebrated the successful outputs of several years of close, productive and rich trans-national academic cooperation around these 3 students. Yvan, Johannes and Armin all have contributed greatly to the IRIXYS activities in the past years and we wish them lots of success. With presentations from Hervé Martin, Scientific Adviser of the French Consulate in Bavaria, Emanuel Berndl from the company OneLogic, and Barbara Zacharias, Head of Passau University International Office, the workshop also opened up to the wider business environment in Bavaria and gave the opportunity to reflect about how PhD students can value their experience on the digital global market. Finally, an internal reflection on how to progress further with our future young scientists’ workshops took place; the results of this joint reflection gathering students, post-docs and researchers will be published soon, as to support the next IRIXYS activities for our young scientists.