Within the IRIXYS 30th Scientist Workshop, we are also celebrating IRIXYS 15th Anniversary ! Within the INSA Lyon campus, a large part of IRIXYS members gathered on the 12th of May to share their enthusiasm with what had been accomplished. It was also an occasion to discuss the exciting years of collaborations to come.
This day was also dedicated to talks and round tables around many subjects concerning cybersecurity and AI. The expertise and points of view of international specialists were brought together to discuss and evolve on a large amount of subjects, including ethics in Computer Science. This international communication and collaboration is the very root of IRIXYS identity.
We would also like to thanks the many guests and friends that made the trip to Lyon to take part in the festivities and discussions. It allowed to bring a better understanding of the cultural and political aspects concerning data management.
Many thanks to all external guests that came to our event: Members of the German Consulate in Lyon, Axel Honsdorf (BayFrance), Prof. Hervé Martin (BayFrance), Prof. Philippe Gréciano (President of the French-German University (UFA)), Roland Wossidlo (ATOS), Philippe Mareine (M4Transformations), Dr. Fritz Audebert (ICUNet), Karine Montagne-Welck (ICUNet), Pierre Brun-Murol (ATOS EVIDEN).