The INSA Lyon is a prestigious engineering school (Grande Ecole d’Ingénieurs) located in Villeurbanne, a suburb of Lyon, France. It was founded in 1957. It has about 5.500 students. Among those are about 650 doctoral students and 30% international students. Researchers involved in IRIXYS are members of the Distributed Systems, Information Retrieval and Mobility (DRIM) INSA research team headed by Prof. Lionel Brunie, or from the Laboratoire d’InfoRmatique en Images et Systèmes d’information (LIRIS), a French top research laboratory consortium gathering more than 300 researchers.
Research interests: data management in distributed and pervasive systems and information retrieval, with a special interest in e-humanities and e-health applications.
Application fields: e-health (patient health record, long term care follow-up, health networks, medical knowledge management, assessment of e-health systems) and e-humanities (document modeling, digital libraries, collaborative edition, semantic information retrieval).
More information: https://liris.cnrs.fr/